Project Informationlegacy
This project will consist of the installation of new stormwater treatment practices in neighborhoods directly draining into Coon Lake.  The objective is to remove phosphorus, which fuels algae growth, before water is discharged into the lake. The various practices include; curb-cut rain gardens, swales, stabilizing stormwater discharge points and a basin oultet modification.  As of August 2015, a lakeshore stabilization has been constructed, two curb-cut rain gardens are in process, and the remaining practices finalized by the spring of 2016.  Projects are in collaboration with willing landowners, the Sunrise River Watershed Management Organization (WMO), Coon Lake Improvement District, Coon Lake Improvement Association and Coon Lake Beach Association.  A Clean Water Legacy grant helps pay for the projects.

Homeowner Meeting Announcement

Homeowner Meeting Presentation

Coon Lake Subwatershed Retrofit Analysis

Rain Garden Construction Video


Landowner Statment of Intent

Example Landowner Contract

Design Information

Rain Garden Project Concepts
Lakeshore Project Concepts

182 Forest Road
3340 183rd Ave
18453 Lakeview Point Drive NE
19303 East Front Blvd NE
19511 East Tr Oak CIrcle NE

Contact Person: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 763-434-2030 x12