(Betula alleghaniensis)

Yellow birch is a moderately fast growing tree with an interesting yellow to bronze shiny bark. The twigs have a wintergreen smell. Yellow birch can reach a mature height of 50-70' tall, is moderately shade tolerant but intolerant of drought. It prefers loamy, organic soil.

Wildlife Food & Cover:Fair food - seeds, buds, catkins, sap, bark, twigs. Good cover-nesting, perching, cavities and dens.

Flowers: Small catkins - spring

Fruit: Small nutlet with bract

Ecosystem: Lowland Hardwood Forest, Hardwood Swamp, Tamarack Swamp, White Cedar Swamp, Alder Swamp

Other: Yellow bronze shiny bark peels in ultra-thin curls flammable enough to burn when wet. Twigs have wintergreen taste and smell.

Birch Yellow Leaf  Birch Yellow Bark

Birch Yellow Form Ohio