Paper birch is a beautiful accent tree when used with a background of evergreens. It's bark, although soft and smooth to the touch, is one of the most durable plant substances. A mature tree can reach 40-70', is intolerant of shade, and grows best in sandy loam.
Wildlife Food & Cover: Fair food - browse for deer and moose, insects, seeds, buds. Good cover-perching, nesting.
Flowers: Yellow-green clusters
Fruit: Cone-like green-brown
Ecosystem: Mesic (Moist) oak forest, White pine hardwood forest, Hardwood swamp, Tamarack swamp, Alder Swamp, Willow Swamp
Scientific Name: Betula papyrifera
Product Size at Purchase: 12-18"
Product Size at Maturity: 40-70'
Other: Vibrant white exfoliating bark