Sugar maple is a moderately fast growing tree with a dense spreading crown that provides spectacular yellow fall color. It is strong-branched and is an important timber tree valued for its hard, heavy, strong wood. Sugar maple is the only tree used for commercial syrup production. Mature height can reach up to 60-80', is very tolerant of shade but is intolerant of drought. Sugar maple will grow in a variety of soils but is intolerant of compacted soil and road salt therefore they are not particularly good street trees.
Wildlife Food & Cover: Fair food - squirrels. Excellent cover - nesting, perching, feeding, snags, cavities.
Flowers: Inconspicuous
Fruit: Small "helicopter" seed with bract
Ecosystem: Maple Basswood Forest, Lowland Hardwood Forest
Scientific Name: Acer saccharum
Product Size at Purchase: 12-18"
Product Size at Maturity: 60-80'
Other: Spectacular yellow fall color, strong branches "hard maple," sap used for maple syrup