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Pollinator Planting and No Mow Lawn at the ACD Office

Do you have some corners of your property that are hard to mow or just need a little spruce up? ACD staff recently replaced turf with native plants alongside our parking lot. This area of the yard is steeply sloped and difficult to mow. The 300 sq ft area is now home to nearly a dozen species that will benefit pollinators. In recent years we converted the area around some clumped oak trees into a shrub garden. Those shrubs have matured nicely and required no care. In another area, we simply stopped mowing. The resulting grass is still short (<6") and falls over on itself. The area is easy to walk across, and cuts down on our maintenance. 

Rum Riverbank Stabilization in Oak Grove - Update
Ditch Plugs Are Successful in Wetland Restoration!