ACD Tree and Shrub Sale!

ACD's tree sale is right around the corner! Trees and shrubs are sold in bareroot seedlings or transplants, ranging from 8" to 18" in height. They may be purchased in bundles of ten for $24.00, or twenty-five for $47 not including tax. Native prairie seed and tree aides are also available. You do not need to be an Anoka County Resident to order. The order form is organized to group native trees and shrubs according to their ecosystem and non-native trees and shrubs based upon their primary use. Call 763-434-2030 x 100 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to get added to the notification list. 

  216 Hits

ACD Tree and Shrub Sale

ACD's tree sale is right around the corner! Trees and shrubs are sold in bareroot seedlings or transplants, ranging from 8" to 18" in height. They may be purchased in bundles of ten for $24.00, or twenty-five for $47 not including tax. Native prairie seed and tree aides are also available. You do not need to be an Anoka County Resident to order. The order form is organized to group native trees and shrubs according to their ecosystem and non-native trees and shrubs based upon their primary use. Call 763-434-2030 x 100 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to get added to the notification list. 

  303 Hits

Voters Approve Extension of Natural Resources Funding

Over 77% of Minnesota voters said 'Yes' to renewing the dedication of MN Lottery funds to the Environment and Natural Resources Trust Fund (ENRTF)! Through this, approximately 40% of net lottery proceeds (or seven cents per dollar spent playing the lottery) will continue being allocated to this fund for the next 25 years.

Since its creation in 1988, the ENRTF has contributed over one billion dollars to support efforts such as the expansion of parks, trails, and other outdoor recreation opportunities, habitat restoration and protection, sustainable resource management, scientific research and technological advancements across a wide range of environmental fields, and more. You can learn more about the inner-workings and accomplishments of the ENRTF HERE

  336 Hits

Conservation Starts at Home

ACD makes it easy to spread the word about conservation by developing a series of "Conservation Starts at Home" tabletop displays and brochures. Whether you're hosting a table at an event or distributing information in another way, like at a public library, church or school, ACD's educational materials make it fast and simple for members of the community to have an impact.

Each year community members and agency partners use these materials at local events and distribute hundreds of brochures to the public across a wide variety of topics.

• Backyard Habitat* - Attracting Wildlife to Your Property
• Ecosystem Health - Improving Landscapes by Increasing Diversity
• Groundwater* - Protecting Drinking Water for Generations to Come
• Invasive Species - Combating a Threat to Native Ecosystems
• Lakeshore Restorations* - Bringing Water Quality & Wildlife to Your Shore
• Native Plants* - Restoring Habitat in Anoka County
• Natural Resource Threats - Threats to Our Natural Resources
• Open Space Protection - Establishing an Enduring Legacy
• Pollinators* - Enabling Our Farms, Gardens and Natural Spaces to Thrive.
• Rain Gardens* - Treating Runoff at the Source
• Riverbank Stabilization* - Understanding Flow & Managing Erosion
• Soil Health - Unlock the Secrets in the Soil
• Stormwater Management* - Improving Water Quality and Reducing Runoff
• Water-smart* - Conserving Water at Home
• Wetlands* - Benefiting Wildlife and People

(*Display has companion brochure) 

These resources are available to the public free of charge. Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call 763-434- 2030 x 100 and provide the displays you'd like to check out and when you will need them. Up to three displays typically fit nicely on a table. Many of the displays have companion brochures. Upon request, we are happy to provide up to twenty brochures for each topic free of charge. 

  928 Hits

Volunteer Opportunity

  768 Hits