Stormwater Pond Enhancement - Update

Apex Pond in the City of Fridley was enhanced in 2023 to improve water quality in both Springbrook Creek (County Ditch #17) and the Mississippi River. Originally constructed in 1999 with a ponding depth of 1-foot to slow the rate of runoff entering Springbrook Creek, the enhanced pond is ~6-feet deep and provides water quality treatment for nearly 90 acres of residential neighborhoods. The increased ponding depth enables sediment and nutrients to settle and accumulate in the pond. Runoff enters the pond via three inlets and a single outlet serves as the connection to Springbrook Creek. 

Total annual reductions to Springbrook and the Mississippi River include 16.80 lbs-TP/yr and 6,617 lbs-TSS/yr. The City of Fridley funded pond maintenance, and a combination of Watershed Based Implementation Funds from the Board of Water and Soil Resources, a Coon Creek Watershed District Water Quality Cost-Share Program grant, and the City of Fridley funded the pond enhancement. For more information contact Mitch Haustein, Stormwater & Shoreland Specialist, at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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