Anoka Sand Plain Rare Plant Rescue Program Accomplishments

Anoka Sand Plain Rare Plant Rescue Program is a collaborative partnership focused on protecting rare plants in the Anoka Sand Plain (ASP) region. The ASP spans across several metro counties and supports 59 of MN's state-listed species (or nearly 20%) while representing only 2.2% of MN's land area.Our team collaborates with the MN Department of Natural Resources, landowners and developers to rescue rare plants from permitted development project areas before construction begins. We accomplish this with a team of ecologists and dedicated volunteers who help us to quickly mobilize and implement rescues. Rescued plants are transplanted into permanently protected natural areas with ecologically appropriate habitat and are monitored. Since the start of the ASP Rescue Program in 2019, state-protected species were rescued from eleven permitted donor sites and were translocated into 230 monitoring plots located within 13 permanently protected recipient sites. The work involved the rescue of ten species of state endangered, threatened, special concern and watch list vascular plant species. An additional project is underway with Xyris torta. MN Landscape Arboretum conducted germination trials with Xyris torta seed, which resulted in an opportunity to conduct an outplanting with plants that successfully propagated. Xyris torta was planted at the University of MN Cedar Creek Ecosystem Science Reserve for the purpose of conducting research and establishing a new population.

Photo: Monitoring seeding area at Cedar Creek Ecosystem Science Reserve.
Photo: Transplants in experimental planting at Cedar Creek Ecosystem Science Reserve.

2024 ASP Rescue Program accomplishments include:

  • Rescued over 1,000 plants, sod, and plant cuttings from future development sites including Rubus missouricus, Rubus stipulatus, Rubus semisetosus, Hieracium longipilum and Oenothera rhombipetala.
  • Expanded rescue methods to include sod removal in densely populated patches. Cut sod was transported to the University of MN Landscape Arboretum and will be planted in the future. Additional cane-cutting experiments were conducted to refine methods for rescuing Rubus species.
  • Conducted rare plant habitat surveys at potential recipient locations resulting in 3 new recipient sites and new partners.
  • Transplanted over 1,200 rescued plants into three new permanently protected recipient sites with the help of local land managers and volunteers.
  • Monitored Viola lanceolata, Rubus semisetosus, Rubus stipulatus, Rubus fulleri, Gaylusssacia baccata, Xyris torta and Rotala ramosir rescue transplants at 10 protected recipient sites.
  • Collected over 6,900 seeds from Viola lanceolata, Rubus semisetosus, and Rubus stipulatus for long-term genetic preservation in the UMLA Rare Plant Seed Bank.
Photo: Monitoring Viola lanceolata rescue transplants at the Beach Conservation Easement.
Funding was provided by the Outdoor Heritage Fund. We are anticipating additional rescue events in 2025. Please stay tuned and sign up here to join our contact list! Read more about the ASP Plant Rescue program or for more information contact Carrie Taylor, Restoration Ecologist, at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
  175 Hits

Germination Success!

In 2019, The Anoka Sand Plain (ASP) Rescue Program collected MN State Threatened Rotala ramosior (toothcup) seed from a site and the collected seed was taken to the MN Landscape Arboretum's seed bank for storage and preservation. The ASP Program is always on the search for suitable habitat and the Cedar Creek Ecosystem Science Reserve has habitat, active management and a willing landowner. Bison were introduced to part of the Reserve, creating open soil disturbance with their trails and wallows. 

In fall, 2023, the ASP Rescue team spread a small amount of seed along and the area was recently monitored this spring and countless Rotala ramosior – toothcup plants were identified throughout the wetland depression. Toothcup is an annual whose population fluctuates due to changes in water levels along shorelines and wetland depression habitats and requires disturbance to create bare soil for the seeds to have space to germinate. The ASP Rescue team will continue to monitor this area to determine the results of the seeding, which will help guide future reintroduction and management efforts. For more information contact Carrie Taylor, Restoration Ecologist, at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. 

  738 Hits

Anoka Sand Plain Rare Plant Rescue

The Anoka Sand Plain (ASP) Rare Plant Rescue Program had a busy year in 2023! Thanks to the assistance of partners and volunteers, we:

  • Rescued over 900 state threatened and endangered plants from 3 new sites!
  • Transplanted over 600 rescued plants and species from seed germination trials.
  • Collected seed from 5 rare plant ASP populations for genetic preservation in the MN Landscape Arboretum's Rare Plant Seed Bank.
  • Began stem cutting and/or germination experimentations on Gaylussacia baccata (Black Huckleberry) and Rubus sp. (Bristle-berries).
  • Collaborated with the City of Blaine to adjust land management practices around a rare population of Endangered Aristida longespica (Slimspike Three-awn).
  • Implemented follow-up monitoring of previous rescue transplants to calculate survival and record success rates of locations and methods.
Left to Right: Rescuing Lance-leaved Violets before development begins. Transplanting Lance-leaved Violets into a protected natural area. Volunteers rescuing rare plants in Hugo, MN.

Looking Forward:

  • Plants rescued in 2023 are overwintering at the MN Landscape Arboretum and will be ready to move into their new homes in 2024.
  • As habitat loss continues, we will continue to seek out and survey new suitable habitats for the rescued transplants.
  • Research efforts will continue as we expand our knowledge about these rare species.
  • Conservation plans are being developed for the rare species of the ASP, outlining methods and protocols for plant rescue and conservation.
We are anticipating additional rescue events in 2024. Please stay tuned and sign up here to join our contact list! The ASP Rare Plant Rescue Program is currently funded by Lessards-Sams Outdoor Heritage Council using MN Clean Water Land and Legacy Funds. If you want to learn more about the rare plant rescue program contact Carrie Taylor, Restoration Ecologist, at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

  1476 Hits

Rescuing Rubus fulleri – State Threatened Species

The Anoka Sand Plain Rescue team salvaged rubus fulleri just days after the snow melted and the take permit was issued. A recent development was designed to avoid impacts to natural/uncropped wetlands and leave a natural area that contains most of the rare plants on the site. However, a subpopulation of rubus fulleri was to be impacted since there was no feasible way to avoid the areas due to construction constraints. 

Staff from ACD, Critical Connections Ecological Services and the MN Landscape Arboretum salvaged whole plants and cut stems/canes. Plants were taken to the MN Landscape Arboretum where they will be potted. Stems/canes were cut into pieces ensuring each piece included a bud and was potted. The Arboretum is experimenting with different propagation techniques and will keep the rubus  on-site until the fall. At that time, plants will be transferred to ecologically appropriate protected site where they can be monitored for survival and growth.  

Root tipping – yellow circles show rooting at the base and the tip

Rubus fulleri was designated as a state-threatened species in 2013. In Minnesota, this species is restricted to the shallow wet meadows of the Anoka Sand Plain. Following a century of agricultural and residential development in this region, few high quality examples of R. fulleri habitat are known in the state. Rubus fulleri is most threatened by habitat loss, with populations becoming more isolated and fragmented. Active management, including prescribed fire and invasive species control is needed to maintain a viable R. fulleri population.

Rubus Anatomy:

Cane: a biennial, woody shoot which grows out of the perennial crowns and roots

Primocane: first year cane, mainly comprised of vegetation growth

Floricane: the same cane in the second year, bearing the flowers and fruits, then dies back

Rubus fulleri traits include canes that arch and trail along the ground. They also root tip, meaning the tip of the trailing cane grows roots into the ground. 

For more information contact Carrie Taylor at 763.434.2030 ext.190 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

  1117 Hits

Anoka-Ramsey Community College provides helping hands for rare plants and rare habitats

ACD staff have been collaborating with Professor Kristen Genet to create hands-on learning opportunities for an Anoka-Ramsey Community College Ecology class. The class learned about rare plants, rare habitats and the invasive species that threaten them, and provided service through their learning. The class got out to plant native grasses and wildflowers to create a dry prairie pollinator garden in a Coon Rapids park. They also conducted rare plant surveys to help guide rare plant rescue planting densities and removed buckthorn that was starting to grow into areas with rare plants. Thanks to Kristen Genet and students for all their contributions!  

  1269 Hits