Anoka Conservation District Staff Submit a Slew of Proposals for 2025 Grant Funding

ACD operates largely on grant funding. Securing grants enables ACD to provide beneficial services to the public without significantly impacting local taxpayers. In order to keep things progressing smoothly, we dovetail grants, which each allow three to five years to complete, so some grants are being wrapped up while others are coming on line. To lay the foundation for 2025 and beyond, we recently secured several grants and applied for others.  

Recent Awards ($756K)

  • Soil Health ($20K) – cost share projects that improve water quality and/or soil productivity.
  • Pollinator Pathways ($92K) – cost share for projects that provide habitat and connectivity for at-risk pollinators.
  • Rum River Metro Watershed Based Implementation Funding - Clean Water Fund ($569K) – analysis, outreach, and projects that improve water quality in priority local water resources in the Rum River Watershed portion of Anoka County.
  • Sunrise River Watershed Based Implementation Funding - Clean Water Fund ($75K) - analysis and projects that improve water quality in priority local water resources in the Sunrise River Watershed portion of Anoka County.

Recent Applications ($5,751K)

  • Rum River Enhancement, Phase 3- Outdoor Heritage Fund ($1,974K) – Rum River improvements through projects that stabilize eroding riverbanks, reconnect floodplains, restore wild rice populations, and restore adjacent wetlands, forests and prairies
  • Anoka Sandplain Partnership, Phase 10 - Outdoor Heritage Fund ($2,573K) – ecological enhancement and protection through restoration and preservation programs and projects
  • Enhanced Street Sweeping Integrated into 11-County Sub-Watershed Analyses - Clean Water Fund ($330K) – analysis of street sweeping protocols to identify strategies to improve water quality by strategically redirecting current efforts
  • Ditch 20 Wetland Restoration Benefiting Typo & Martin Lakes - Clean Water Fund ($221K) – restore hydrology in a large wetland complex upstream of Typo Lake to improve water quality
  • Drinking Water Protection Through Subsurface Sewage Treatment Systems Fix Ups ($200K) – provide cost share funds to repair or replace failing septic systems to protect surface and ground water quality
  • Targeted Mississippi River Bank Stabilization Focused on Bioengineering, Round 3 - Clean Water Fund ($383K) – provide technical and financial assistance to property owners to address eroding riverbanks on the Mississippi River
  • Protecting Groundwater Quality in Anoka County Through Targeted Well Sealing, Phase 2 - Clean Water Fund ($70K) – provide cost share to seal unused wells to protect drinking water quality
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ACD Welcomes Aviva Meyerhoff!

Aviva joined the District in April of 2024 as the Outreach Coordinator. She holds a Bachelor's degree in Environmental Studies and Geography from Gustavus Adolphus College in St. Peter, MN. Aviva supports communication and outreach efforts to promote District programs and activities while fostering partnerships, collaboration, and engagement across the District. Aviva can be reached at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 763-434-2030 x120. 

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Staff Spotlight: Jamie Schurbon

Jamie Schurbon, ACD's Watershed Projects Manager, has lived a rich and varied life. He grew up in rural Iowa, earning his bachelor's degree from Iowa State University before moving to South Carolina to complete his Master's in Environmental Biology. He spent that time studying reptiles and amphibians in and around the Hell Hole Swamp. After school, he held a variety of short term natural resources jobs that took him from the mangroves of the Florida Keys, to the South Dakota Badlands, to coastal barrier islands. Ultimately, he decided to return to the Midwest and started his first full time position as a technician at the Anoka Conservation District.

Because of his diverse experiences with different environments, it makes sense that instead of a single favorite place in Minnesota, Jamie enjoys the variety, including the Boundary Waters lakes, southeast Minnesota trout streams, northern forests, and prairies. Locally, he especially enjoys spending time on and around the Rum River for its good fishing, quality habitat, and because it is a scenic and quiet getaway.

In his time away from work, Jamie enjoys coaching youth baseball, teaching confirmation classes at his church, playing softball, and working on home improvement projects. Some recent projects have included a kitchen renovation and a canoe rack. Jamie never finds himself short of new projects as one project always seems to turn into another. The old copper plumbing from a kitchen remodel, for example, was then crafted into jewelry.

Jamie indulges his love of the outdoors through hunting and fishing and is also a member of a few sporting organizations including the Isanti County Sportsman's Club, where outdoor enthusiasts both promote conservation and enjoy outdoor activities. Jamie, along with his wife and two sons (ages 11 and 14), have even raised ducks every summer for the last four years.

When asked to share a memorable story of local conservation efforts, Jamie had this to say:

"During my 20 years at ACD I've especially learned a lot from the "old timers" who grew up in the area. I find that today's conservation efforts are not all that different from the past, and these efforts do make a difference. For example, Andover resident, WWII veteran, and former teacher Lyle Bradley once described to me how he flew up and down the Rum River corridor to identify feedlots and dumps on the shoreline. The cleanup that followed made a difference and is a testament to what a committed person can do!"

To contact Jamie, reach out to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or (763) 434-2030 x210

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Staff Spotlight: Carrie Taylor

Carrie Taylor, ACD's Restoration Ecologist, enjoys all manner of outdoor adventures including skiing, gardening, camping, and canoeing. She always makes time to explore nature, go on hikes, and "hunt" for wildflowers with her family. She loves bringing her daughters out with her even though she sometimes has to remind them that "skiing… hiking… canoeing… it's what we do!"

Prior to living in Minnesota, Carrie lived in Illinois, Indiana, Oregon, Montana, and Sweden. Since moving to Minnesota 6 years ago, Carrie has made a point of exploring all the natural areas the state has to offer. One of Carrie's favorite places in Minnesota that she has explored thus far is the Superior Hiking Trail at Bean and Bear Lakes. She appreciated the topography, the wildness, and the beautiful multi-layer beaver dam complex that she and her family stumbled across.

Carrie is also active with the Master Gardener program and enjoys volunteering with many organizations especially coordinating landscape design and installation with new homeowners through Habitat for Humanity.

Outside of Carrie's work conducting natural resource monitoring, inventory, assessments, and planning, and coordinating ecological restoration projects for the District, she is involved in landscaping and adding native and edible plants at her daughters' schools and helping lead some of their Girl Scout activities.

To contact Carrie, reach out to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or (763) 434-2030 x19. 

  1867 Hits

Staff Spotlight: Becky Wozney

Becky Wozney, ACD's Wetland Specialist, has always had a strong connection to nature. When she was a girl growing up in Pine County, she would regularly ride her horse, Annie, through her family's pastures for hours on end. She fell in love with nature and the outdoors while exploring her family's property with her dogs and today believes that outreach and education can really change how people, especially children, interact with our natural resources. "Anytime we can get kids outside and teach them to respect nature, it will have a large impact on them later in life," says Becky.

Now that Becky has her own daughters, she tries to instill in them the same love of the outdoors that she learned as a kid. She and her family all love to travel and have visited 30 states (including Alaska and Hawaii!) plus Costa Rica and Canada. They are planning a Europe-based trip in 2022. Becky and her family also greatly enjoy spending time on the lake in their boat or kayak, camping in Minnesota's state parks, and hiking with their dog, Millie.

Outside of Becky's work providing technical assistance and Wetland Conservation Act (WCA) regulatory assistance to county residents, she is involved in youth sports and volunteering on natural resource projects in her city.

To contact Becky, email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call (763) 434-2030 x14.

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