Golden Lake Proposed For Removal From State's Impaired Waters List

The proposed removal of Golden Lake from Minnesota's impaired waters list was highlighted in a recent Board of Water and Soil Resources (BWSR) article that underscores the importance of Clean Water Funds (CWF) for measurable water quality improvement. ACD secured two CWF grants for iron-enhanced sand filters (IESF) to reduce phosphorus reaching Golden Lake, located in Circle Pines, MN. Iron-filings mixed throughout the sand, capture phosphorus from stormwater passing through the filters. One IESF was installed in Centennial Green Park (2015) in the City of Blaine, and the other was installed in the City of Circle Pines (2019). Both projects were identified as cost-effective phosphorus reduction options in a Golden Lake stormwater retrofit analysis completed by ACD. 

The proposed delisting of Golden Lake is a testament to the hard work and collaboration by many, including ACD, the City of Blaine, the City of Circle Pines, and the Rice Creek Watershed District. Mitch Haustein, ACD's Stormwater and Shoreland Specialist, assisted with the projects and was interviewed for the article. Click here to read the full article from BWSR that also includes brief stories about proposed delistings for 6 other Twin Cities area lakes, 1 Wright County river reach, and 1 Winona County stream segment.

For more information contact Mitch Haustein, Stormwater & Shoreline Specialist, at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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Shout Out to Our Amazing Volunteers!

 ACD would like to send out a big thanks to our hardworking volunteers for all their great work during the 2023 monitoring season. State-wide data networks are made up of thousands of dedicated volunteers and provide some of the oldest and most reliable data in the state. These historical data sets are crucial for accurate trend analysis and assist in making informed management decisions. The data provided by volunteers helps verify high rainfall totals, provides critical information during flooding events, monitors drought conditions, and provides needed guidance on Minnesota's changing climate. Some of ACD's volunteers have been long time participants and have contributed data for over 15+ years.

The Volunteer Precipitation Monitoring network includes more than 20,000 volunteers nationwide who measure daily rainfall. Explore climate data through the Minnesota State Climatology database
The Lake Level Monitoring Program documents seasonal fluctuations of water levels in around 1,050 lakes throughout Minnesota. Explore lake data through the Minnesota 'Lake Finder' database.

For more information contact Kris Larson, Water Resource Specialist, at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

"Climate is more than just numbers." – Jim Zandlo

  1262 Hits

Thank You Water Monitoring Volunteers!

The Anoka Conservation District would like to thank our hardworking water monitoring volunteers for all the work they did throughout the 2020 monitoring season. Local volunteers install monitoring equipment near where they live and then take readings throughout the year. Water levels on a large number of lakes are recorded as well as tracking daily rain totals. This type of data is used in analysis and when making other natural resource management decisions. Data networks like these are not possible without the help of local residents. All of the data is available to the public through online databases operated by State of Minnesota.

Thank you Volunteers!

  1516 Hits