Improving Fish Habitat in the Rum River

ACD has grant funding available to enhance in-stream habitat in the Rum River! This effort focuses on areas adjacent to public land and those which are accessible for shore fishing. Rock vanes, woody overhangs, and similar features will be installed in areas where aquatic habitat structure is currently lacking to provide adequate holding and resting areas for game fish and the forage they rely on. This is part of a larger, corridor-scale river restoration effort supported by funding from the Outdoor Heritage Fund and several collaborating agencies. 

Photo: Existing high-quality habitat observed in northern Anoka County. The combination of rock and wood creates variation in structure and flow conditions, benefitting fish and their prey.

We are currently compiling a detailed inventory of existing conditions at several sites throughout Anoka, Isanti, and Mille Lacs Counties. Do you enjoy shore fishing along the Rum? Let us know which areas you think could use improvement! Share your feedback with Breanna Keith, Water Resource Specialist, at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. 

  301 Hits

Fall Lakeshore Stabilization on Martin Lake

Project Features:

  • A coconut fiber biolog was installed on top of the previously installed coir-log to raise the elevation.
  • The void space was filled with brush bundles and topsoil.
  • Topsoil was graded by hand.
  • Erosion control fabric was installed over the other project features to hold in place.
  • Live staked above coir logs with Red osier dogwood.
  • Native plants were planted along the top of bank to provide aesthetics, wildlife habitat and additional stabilization.
Photo: Lakeshore stabilization site on Martin Lake, planted with native sedges and wildflowers.

Pollution Reduction:

  • Phosphorus reduction: 0.616 lbs/yr
  • Sediment reduction: 1,450 lbs/yr

Cost-share funding was provided from BWSR SWCD Aid and a contribution from the landowner. ACD provided project administration, design, and project installation.For more information contact Kris Larson, Water Resource Specialist, at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

  338 Hits

Funding Available for Lakeshore Stabilizations!

  299 Hits

Lakeshore Repairs on Lake George

Photo: Before
Photo: After
Photo: Before
Photo: After

In 2023, ACD coordinated the installation of several lakeshore restorations on Lake George, in northwestern Anoka County. High lake levels this spring, mixed with heavy winds, resulted in several of the projects being damaged. This summer, ACD staff and a Conservation Corps field crew were able to make repairs and enhance the projects so that they will be prepared for future weather events. For more information contact Brian Clark, Natural Resource Technician, at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

  619 Hits

Martin Lakeshore Projects Complete!

Photo: Before and after photos of a Martin Lakeshore restoration.

ACD is in the final stages of completing eight shoreline stabilization projects at Martin Lake in Linwood Township. The projects stabilize over 700 linear feet of shoreline. Each project includes a native plant buffer and many include in-lake emergent plants. These projects were funded by the landowners and a grant from the Clean Water, Land and Legacy Amendment. For more information contact, Watershed Projects Manager, Jamie Schurbon at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

  385 Hits

Barges Help ACD Reach Difficult Sites

ACD recently had several projects where the contractor used barges to stabilize shorelines that are otherwise be difficult to reach. It has allowed us to stabilize some of the highest priority shorelines and added efficiency to the work. Recent projects have been on Martin Lake and the Rum & Mississippi Rivers. 

At Martin Lake, larger homes on smaller lots often mean that there is no path for equipment to reach the lakeshore from the road. Steep slopes can also prohibit access. At the Mississippi River, the barges allowed materials and equipment for multiple sites to be staged at one location. This eliminated the need to restore damaged lawns and improved construction efficiency.

Small excavators work from the barge itself. The barge is moved up and down the shoreline. In this way the equipment is never driven in the water where it would disturb sediment and destroy aquatic vegetation. For more information contact Jamie Schurbon, Wetland Specialist, at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

  733 Hits

Lakeshore Stewardship Highlighted Following Spring Flooding

High water levels combined with strong winds impacted lakeshores throughout Minnesota this spring. In some cases, already-eroding and unprotected shorelines receded by multiple feet. In others, existing structures such as timber retaining walls were damaged – drastically compromising the land above. These occurrences highlight the importance of lakeshore practices that create resilient, stable, and healthy shorelines. ACD is working to maximize technical and financial resources to assist landowners with their shoreline restoration needs.

Martin Lake, located in northern Anoka County, was particularly impacted by spring flooding. Fortunately, grant funds were recently secured to provide assistance with restoration and stabilization efforts on this lake. Many landowners are interested in addressing erosion and improving wildlife habitat on their shorelines; in total, ACD staff met with residents at 20 different properties. Properties providing the greatest opportunities for water quality and ecological benefits will be selected for partial funding through available grants, and recommendations/ guidance will be provided for the remainder.

If you notice erosion on your shoreline or otherwise want to enhance its resiliency and ecological value, check out our "Our Lakeshore Connection" animated video to learn more:

Or contact Breanna Keith at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., 763.434.2030 x160

  1417 Hits

Six Lake George Shorelines Stabilized and Naturalized

The Anoka Conservation District has completed work with six landowners on Lake George to correct shoreline erosion and install native plant buffers. 483 linear feet of shoreline were treated with rock rip rap, coconut fiber biologs, shoreline plantings, or other techniques. The result is 5.9 fewer pounds of phosphorus and 4.8 fewer tons of sediment entering the lake each year.

Lake George water quality is a priority. The lake is heavily used by the public due to a large county park and many homes on its shores, and good water quality. That water quality has been experiencing a slow decline over time. Projects such as these help maintain water quality and also add near-shore habitat that benefits fish and other wildlife. The recently installed projects are further intended to be demonstrations of lake-friendly landscaping for other shoreline homeowners. 

The six project sites were selected from amongst 34 homeowner who expressed interest. Sites were chosen based on degree of erosion, benefit to the lake, and other factors. Funding was from a Watershed Based Implementation Funding grant to the Anoka Conservation District with matching funds from the Upper Rum River Watershed Management Organization and landowners.

  1675 Hits

Lake George Shoreline Stabilization Projects Selected

Seven properties totaling 540 feet of shoreline will be stabilized at Lake George in the coming months. The projects are part of efforts to reverse a trend of declining water quality in the lake and enhance near shore habitat. All of the project sites are on private properties with active shoreline erosion. The work will reduce sediment entering Lake George by 8 tons/yr and phosphorus by 12 lbs/yr.

The seven sites were chosen from all around the lake, and the places where ACD staff determined the greatest pollutant reductions could be achieved with the greatest certainty. We used existing shoreline inventories to identify 35 properties with actively eroding shoreline. Of those properties, 25 expressed interested. ACD staff visited each property and heard first-hand from those landowners about their shorelines. Finally, each shoreline was scored relative to erosive forces, current erosion, benefits of upland buffers to filter runoff, pollutant reduction calculations, and likelihood of success.

$70,000 in grant funds is available for construction. That dollar amount limits work to approximately the top seven projects, however more will be done if construction bids are low. Funding is from a Watershed Based Implementation grant from the MN Board of Water and Soil Resources. The programs for this grant were selected by a team of local partners including city, watershed organization, and soil and water conservation district representatives. Collaborators on the Lake George shoreline program include the Upper Rum River Watershed Management Organization and Lake George Conservation Club.

Shoreline stabilization measures will vary. All include rock or natural fiber protection at the water's edge, as well as a native plant shoreline buffer. Some will include regrading to a stable slope.

Owners of properties selected for shoreline stabilization are being notified now. Surveying, design, and construction bidding will occur in 2021.Projects will be installed in spring 2022.

  1947 Hits