When our monitoring programs detect a problem with a lake, river, or stream we often implement a special study to diagnose the problem and determine how to best correct it. In some cases, there is disagreement over whether a problem even exists. The special studies have included investigations of the effects of new lake level management, unexpected lake level fluctuations, and causes of poor water quality.
Many special studies statewide and in Anoka County are TMDL (Total Maximum Daily Load) studies, which are required by the Clean Water Act, administered by the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency and often carried out by local government agencies like the ACD. The Clean Water Act requires that all states identify impaired water bodies (known as a 303(d) list). These impaired waters are subject to certain restrictions until a study is conducted to determine where the pollutants are coming from, how much clean up will be needed to meet water quality standards, and how to best accomplish the clean up.
The data are reported by the MN DNR on their web site.
Typo and Martin Lake TMDL Study
- Fact Sheet
- Project Status
ACD Contact : Jamie Schurbon 763/434-2030 ext. 210